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Welcome to Passports and Photographs

Thanks for visiting our blog! I’m guessing you landed here because you were looking for information about a place you want to visit. This page has links to all of our best Travel Tips. Maybe you aren’t sure where to start in planning your next big trip. Or maybe you need some information and inspiration for your next trip. You’ve come to the right place. From trip planning to itineraries to travel tips to finding deals on flights and hotels, everything you need to plan your next perfect trip. Below are some links to places on this blog to get you started.


Start here - Photo of us at a temple in Chiang Mai

Who we are

You just got here and I’m sure you know nothing about the people behind Passports and Photographs. We are Audra and Ron and have been married for 33 years. We’ve lived abroad in several countries and have traveled to many more. If you’re curious and want to know more about who we are, you can go to our About Us page to read more.


Girl holding a suitcase in the middle of the road with the words Travel Resources

Travel Tips: Travel Resources

You can visit our Travel Resources page to find links to places where you can search for deals on flights and accomodations. There are also blog articles on trip planning, packing lists, travel tips, and more. Everything you need to plan the perfect trip in one place!


Photography - camera and compass - Travel Tips

Travel Tips: Photography Resources

Photos are an important part of vacations. They are what we go to when we want to reminisce about that time in Paris or the adventures we had in El Salvador. Whether you just want to know what kind of cameras and gear I use when I travel or if you want to learn how to take better photos, you can visit my Photography Resources page to find all of that and more. By the way, I’ve been a professional photographer since 2001. I had a portrait studio photographing children and families for 9 years and I photographed hotels for 3 years. I’ve been focused on travel photography since 2014.


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Travel Tips: Destinations

If you’re ready to just jump in and explore some of the places we’ve been, then head over to the Destinations Page. We’ve broken everything down based on Continents and from there to countries in those continents. Check back often as we will be adding a lot of articles on places we’ve visited over the years and of course new places we plan to visit soon.  


Travel Tips: More Links

If you want to know what’s on my Bucket List you can see what I have on it. That list will be growing because I pretty much want to see everything! I would also love it if you followed me on Instagram. It’s the first place we post images of where we are.

Thanks for visiting!