Everything Photo Related
If you are looking for anything related to photography, you’ve come to the right place, my Photography Resources page. Traveling is my first love but photography is a real close second. Combining both of them together is a dream come true for me. We travel for the experiences. The experiences we have through the different cultures we come in contact with, the foods we eat, and the people we meet in these places we visit.
When we come home all we have left is memories and photos. Memories fade over time. You might remember bits and pieces, the things that really left an impression on you, but a big chunk is lost somewhere deep in your memories. The photos and videos you take are where the real memories are. You can’t help but smile when you go through family photos. They trigger those memories deep in your brain and help bring them back to the surface.
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My Photography Background

I’ve been a photographer since 2001. When I started as a portrait photographer I used a film camera and knew how to develop my own film. It was so different back then because you had to get it right the first time. There was no looking at the screen to make sure you did a good job. I had 36 chances (the largest roll of film) and hoped at least 30 of those were great with all eyes open and no weird faces.
A few years later, digital cameras began to come out and I think everyone will agree that it was sort of life changing. Well, at least for a photographer it was. Being able to check your work as you took the photos meant there were definitely some great shots. And unlimited photos! Sometimes too many. That was a different problem. But knowing I could check to see if I had got the shot was nice.
I spent 9 years photographing babies, families, children, and events. After moving and re-starting my business three separate times in three separate countries, I was done. I knew I just didn’t have it in me to start over a fourth time.
So, I went a different direction and photographed hotels for three years. I loved doing something new for a while but after 3 years of criss-crossing the state multiple times (Texas is huge!) and lugging equipment through airports, that got old. Once again I reinvented my professional life and started to sell my travel photos. I still do today.

Photography Resources
All the photo gear I take with me when I travel

The hardest part about traveling is deciding which equipment to take with me. I struggle between wanting to pack light and not wanting to leave anything at home. As soon as I don’t bring something with me, that’s when I’ll need it. Over the years I’ve learned what I can and can’t live without and found equipment that is lighter and easier to travel with. I’m not completely over my struggle of wanting to take everything with me but I just relent and leave things behind.
Click below to find out which camera gear is always in my travel bag.
Photography Guides
If you’re interested in learning how to take better photos when you travel, my photography guides below have information on everything from photography equipment to tips on how to take better photos.